Jess Rose Astrology
Astrology for Grief & Loss
A way to reconnect & Understand
*Chart readings conducted via Zoom/remote video call for recording purposes.
You own the video to rewatch and review.*
Natal Chart Reading & Report
(For self, child, or deceased)
What's included:
-1 hour live video call reading session
-Breakdown of individual's astrological aspects:
past life karma, current life purpose, health, gifts,
personality, psychology, relationship nature
-Mini lesson of astrology background concepts
-(Bonus) Your birthdate analysis from
The Secret Language of Birthdays
- In-depth written report
PDF breakdown and explanation of all significant energy points and placements
Personal Natal Chart Written Report ONLY
No video call.
Questions may be answered by booking a "Follow Up" session. See below.
Transit Reading
What's happening for you right now, your personal energetic weather and present karmic themes.
How to plan, grow, move through, and maximize upcoming circumstances.
What's included:
-1 hour live video call reading session
-Examining your transits for now through up to one year ahead
to track major incoming energies
-You lead! Ask questions for planning your year
Tarot Readings
Tarot works with the subconscious energy we bring with us into the reading and shows what we stand or lose or gain if we don't make the proper adjustments in relation to ourselves and others. It's a benevolent tool rooted in Archetype consciousness to point us in the right direction to our better selves. We DO have the free will to change our life circumstances.
Focused on a specific question or aspect of your life. Offers guidance on where to best focus your energies in terms of practical material steps, creativity, relationships, and self-development.
AKA "Destination Astrology." Where should you move? Where can you find success? Where to avoid! This shows how the energy lines of your natal chart transcribe onto planet Earth. Each planet and soul point interacts with certain cities and countries. When you travel to these places, the energies are activated and expressed in what you experience.
Human Design Map
Take your reading a step further with your Human Design Map. This incorporates more aspects of the physical body, gateways, and specific mental drives with guidance on how to harmonize them to be your best self.
Follow up sessions
45 minute follow up session to discuss your journey after receiving your report. May include coaching recommendations on lifestyle and communication habits, nutrition, movement, and a wealth of wellness resources. A safe, private, and knowledgeable accountability buddy to track your progress in pattern-breaking and living in line with your purpose.
*Book your first follow up session and get a free tarot reading on me!*